Monday, September 3, 2007

Father's Day Picnic

Yesterday the Tolputt extended family had a picnic for Father's Day at Pugh's Lagoon. We were lucky that my grandparents were able to make it even if Grandad spent most of the time snoozing in the chair.
The weather was a bit windy and Chloe's fly-away hair was sticking up Mohawk style but that didn't seem to bother her.
At the picnic I learnt what the phrase "a child is raised by the village" means. I am the first to admit that I am a bit (and only a bit) uppity about Chloe's food. I don't think she needs to know that things like juice, chips, cake and lolly-pops exist. Eden has other thoughts. So does Mamar (what we call my Mum) and Vienna and Adalia and Max (I think you get the point). Anyway one of them (I'm not sure who it was) thought it would be a good idea to give Chloe a lolly pop with their defence being she likes it, she won't eat very much and it has yogurt in. Well of course she likes it, it's sugar and as for not eating very much she has eight teeth and knew that if I got to it she wouldn't have it for long so she made sure she got her moneys worth. And yogurt, what yogurt, it's sugar. Well as a result we had one sticky fuzz ball who would make a ta noise and point at the little white poles sticking out of peoples mouths whenever I took the lolly pop off her. Needless to say I think that I lost the battle...this time.
Aside from allowing Chloe to consume more sugar is one sitting then the rest of her life combined the boys also entertaining themselves by playing with the Vortex. What started out as a harmless throw and catch game soon turned into pegging the ball with the intent of causing injury. I think Eden was largely behind this. He thinks it is so funny that most of my family is uncoordinated and I'm sure he is wishing that our children take after him in relation to ball skills. Luckily there were only a few good hits, no casualties and only near misses when it can to the other picnickers.
All up we had a relaxing afternoon with family, what more can you ask for.
Our little family
With Grandad (she is pointing to someone with a lolly pop saying ta)
It's mine, all mine!
With Great Grandpa (and lolly pops)
Eden's Napoleon Dynamite pose
Check out the Mohawk
Our niece Adalia was overdue for a nap


At September 4, 2007 at 11:27 AM , Blogger The Kings said...

That is funny about the lolly pop. I'm with you Steph - the longer you can hold off the better. They will get enough junk as they get older. Tell Eden that the 'mother from hell' is on your side ;)

At September 5, 2007 at 10:07 AM , Blogger make it perfect said...

I totally hear you with the lollypop story! Everyone tried to feed Oscar junk as soon as they used to make me so mad!!! Keep it up - LOVE the mohawk!

At September 8, 2007 at 7:37 PM , Blogger Stephen and Val Tolputt said...

The grand dad is pretty good looking, so you can see where Chloe gets it from.


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