Monday, November 19, 2007

Conjunctivitis, croup and crayons...

... is what our days and nights have been filled with recently. On Thursday I noticed that Chloe had eye boogies (as I like to call them). I thought that she had just rubbed regular boogies in as she had had a runny nose but as the day progressed I realised that it was conjunctivitis. "That's not to bad, I can handle that with some drops," I thought. On Friday she had a bit of a cough and I thought it was just part of a harmless little spring cold and picked up some cough medicine from the chemist 'in case' it got worse in the night. Well it did get worse each time Chloe woke up (she has been waking up about three times a night for the last week and a half, should have realised she was being challenged). It wasn't just any cough, it was like a seal bark (I have since been told that it the typical croup cough, would have been handy to know). Anyway at 4am after a coughing attack followed by wheezy laboured breathing Eden and I decided to take her to the hospital. We knew we were probably overreacting but we were not sleeping anyway. As soon as we got there the nurse told us it was croup. I had heard of croup but didn't know anything about it, wasn't it what Amy from Little Women died of? Anyway thinking about taking Chloe to the hospital for a 'mild' case of croup is a bit embarrassing now that I know a bit more about it but I was scared and it didn't seem very mild at the time. Anyway I guess it serves Eden and myself right for recently gloating to ourselves about the fact that Chloe has only been sick a few times.
Anyway Chloe is getting better and we are starting to get a little more sleep. Eden was very helpful last night and sat with her for ages in the steamy bathroom which helped alot. The croup is pretty good in the day except when she wakes up from a nap. Today her daytime mood was so much better then the Little Miss Grumpy that we have seen over the last few days and I can't wait for Little Miss Sunshine to be completely back.
Now on to something that does not involve boogies, even the eye ones.
We have been starting to pack and Chloe has been grabbing the texta and pretending to write on the boxes like Mummy and Daddy. Today I thought it might be time to start her on crayons. At first I just gave her A4 paper but soon realised this would not be big enough so I grabbed a roll of the packing paper and laid it out on the ground. She knew what to to with the crayons. She even held the the write way, pointy end down. After watching her use a few crayons this way I thought it was a coincidence so I turned one around but Little Miss Picasso was too clever and proceeded to turn it the right way around.

Anyway she then decided she wanted to experiment a bit more with her art media, so she tried to eat it. First the red which she wasn't too fond of....
and then the blue which she enjoyed alot more.
After drawing and then eating for a while Chloe realised that she could scrunch the paper by kicking her feet. She found this very entertaining.
I was going to put up some pictures of Chloe's art but I'm sure no one wants to see lots of mummy squiggles, a lame attempt at drawing Dorothy the Dinosaur and a few baby marks.
Our ever so cute crayon munching boogy baby.


At November 20, 2007 at 11:52 AM , Blogger The Kings said...

Poor little Chloe. Hope she is back to her old self soon. It is always scary when you hear them sick like that. Hospital was a good move.
Those crayons look yummy :) I ended up just giving them the zoom crayons that you screw up as they can't eat them, but they aren't quite as good as they aren't as thick or easy to hold.

At November 22, 2007 at 11:57 AM , Blogger The Kings said...

So cool - I just flicked up your blog to see if there were any new posts and Harri saw the photos of Chloe and goes 'there's Chloe!'. I didn't think he would know her.

At November 22, 2007 at 12:06 PM , Blogger Rebecca said...

Poor little gorl. Kels had croup last winter - it is scary when your little one can't breathe properly! Kels likes eatin g pencils too! Crayons sound a bit safer though - might give them a try!! Kelsea's first attempt at drawing was with a bue biro on maddi's face!!! Can't wait to see you all again!


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