Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Wine Glass Bay, here we come!

I know that I said, "Wine Glass Bay, here we come." But I didn't think it would come so quickly. On Friday we went on another impromptu camping trip to the east coast with Levi, Louise and their boys. After numerous phone calls trying to decide where we were going to stay we decided on Bicheno. After tea on the first night we went down to the beach to see the penguins however we only saw one so I think we were in the wrong spot.
The next day after the boys came back from a dive we all went out on the boat to go fishing however there were lots of squid around so that is all we caught. The kids were great especially this little one.

I spy with my little many sleeping children?
After our fishing trip our camping buddies packed up to go 4 Wheeler riding at St Helens while we hung out in the tent and then went to the beach.

I don't know if we were just unlucky and there at the wrong time but the beaches at Bicheno smelt. I kept saying how stinky they were and then I heard Chloe say that she wanted to go to the "Stinky Beach."
The next day we packed up and headed to Wine Glass Bay. As we were driving there the sky clouded over but we decided to go anyway with only one umbrella to protect us if the rain came. To get to Wine Glass Bay you hike up the mountain and then down the other side. At the top of the mountain there is a lookout of the bay. It was here I realised how much further we had to go but at least it was downhill, right. As we were going down the thought of what goes down must come up scared me as parts of the track were only fit for a mountain goat, I had a child strapped to me and my fitness level is somewhat lacking to say the least. On a sunny day the water at Wine Glass Bay is normally a beautiful blue however because it was overcast everything was grey.

We made it down and were greeted by a friendly little wallaby that kept trying to take Chloe's lunch. It also attracted alot of tourists that all hovered to try and get a photo. We kept trying to move out of the way as people were taking photos (who knows how many people have us sitting in the background of their photos all red and flustered eating our lunch, very attractive :).
We stayed at the beach for a while (I was putting off the hike up the hill as long as possible :). While we were there we were lucky enough to see a pod of dolphins swimming in the bay, how lucky are we?!
Lachie has developed a little obsession with eating sand that is starting to get out of control. He fights you to get the handful of sand into his mouth and gets upset when you stop him from doing it.
We finally packed up and started our walk back. I did take some photos on the way back but they are all pretty poor or blurry as I was shaking (I told you I was seriously unfit) and just too tired. I'm sure the track back got longer while we were at the beach but we finally made it back to the car, yeah! I had never been so happy to have to sit in the car for a few hours while we drove home (until Lachie started crying).
It was good to get away again and to see Wine Glass Bay (even if the weather was grey and my calves were paying for a coupe of days).


At February 18, 2009 at 11:44 AM , Blogger The Kings said...

Fun!!! I would love to go to wineglass bay and take the boys, but unfortunately that isn't possible with the wheelchair. You will have to go to Binalong Bay next and the Bay of Fires - so beautiful.

At February 18, 2009 at 1:41 PM , Blogger Watson said...

You guys are very adventurous taking the kids to Wine Glass Bay! You must of been exhausted after carrying the extra weight with the kids. I agree that it's hard enough without kids! Love the photo of the kids in the boat asleep. Do they fall asleep easily because of the rocking?

At February 18, 2009 at 3:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like loads of fun! You certainly are an adventurous bunch. What great memories for the kids though.

At February 18, 2009 at 5:48 PM , Blogger Country/City Boy said...

Steph, I wouldn't have picked all of this camping and stuff of you when we first got to know you

At February 20, 2009 at 12:33 PM , Blogger Simone Triffitt said...

Okay so seriously you and Lisa are going to have to give me some camera lessons. They are amazing shots. I love that first one with Chloe all in pink.

At February 20, 2009 at 7:59 PM , Blogger Vienna and Ricky said...

I say you put the boat in the house and get a good nights sleep... while you are at it I may send the kids down for a slumber party. Though Adalia would probably be to excited to see Chloe and ruin all our sleeping plans! Looks like you had a blast!!!


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