Monday, October 26, 2009

I figured it out!!!

In mum circles all over the world conversation often lead to the topic of trying to be a supermum but finding the task all too challenging. As a mum I want to be SUPERMUM! Don't we all? And what child does not want their mum to be able to fly around with a flashy shiny cape? So after much strategising and trying various methods I have finally done it. I have finally figured out how to be a supermum!

I think I may have just single handedly put an end to many mothers group conversations where mothers come together and 'brainstorm' strategies and action plans devoted completely to the topic of 'how to be a supermum.' (Maybe I should write a book.)

I have to say that becoming a supermum does take a bit of practice. But hey, if I can do it then anybody can.
Important note on being a Supermum
Supermums should not be mistaken for a woman that can do it all. You know the ones that have perfect children, prefect houses, perfect husbands, never fall behind on the washing, grow all their families fresh produce, home school, are 'yummy mummies' that never have a hair out of place or a snot trail down the front of their shirt, bake bread, sew all their families clothes, are often being sort out for advice on how to have the perfect marriage, are the president of the P&C, only use organic, serve in various charitable organisations, are the first to drop a meal off to a friend in need, can run a marathon, have their own thriving mummyprenur business, make their own soap, are advisers to the prime minister, the UN, and Oprah, read three books a week, prepare perfectly cooked and balanced meals for their children who eat everything, are often seen in glossy mags with write-ups about their perfect dress sense and trend setting style, are the RS president and still manage to squeezes a night in with the girls every week.
The woman mentioned above does not exist. She is as make believed as Batman and Spiderman.
We are talking about Supermums. They do exist. They are the ones with great children who something (or often) chuck tanties (mum or children) but are still loved, they read three picture books a day, have two sometimes three snot trails down their shirt, conserve natural resources by not using the hairdryer or showering every day, have children who know how to raid the pantry and entertain themselves by playing in the piles of washing that is waiting to be folded. These mummies can often be found in parks playing on the swings, while their children are waiting for a turn. However the easiest way to identify a supermum is to look at her children. If they are happy, laugh often, are loved and know that they are loved (no matter how many times they wake though the night) then you can almost guarantee that their mum is a SUPERMUM!

Another note on being a Supermum.
Half an hour after I solved the age old mystery of how to be a Supermum I was quickly brought back down to earth when Uncle Ricki discovered a big squishy lump on my little man's head. I had no idea when or how it happened (not a very convincing argument for the doctor). Hence the trips to the ultrasound place and the doctor.


At October 26, 2009 at 2:58 PM , Blogger Vienna and Ricky said...

I love this post!!! I can't wait to be a supermum... but do I really have to read THREE picture books? I'll be buying the book.

At October 31, 2009 at 10:08 PM , Blogger Wendy V Kirby said...

I like this blog! It maked me feel a bit better hehe And i have said before that i think your a supermum! Im glad you realise it too :)

At October 31, 2009 at 10:10 PM , Blogger Wendy V Kirby said...

maked??? hmm i think i made that word up hehehe i meant to write it makes me feel better!

At November 12, 2009 at 7:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol! It's nice to be appreciated for the super heros we are :P It's a tough job being a mummy super hero but someone has to do it!


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