Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Big adventures not far from home

There is on old barn type thing about two hundred metres from our home begging to be explored. Yesterday the sun was shining and there was not the chill in the air that you would expect at this time of the year, perfect weather for an adventure.

Chloe took her trike for its first spin away from the yard making it all a little bit more special (though it took some work to convince her that riding it down the steep drive was not such a smart move).

When we finally made it to our destination (though in this case the journey was just as important) Chloe naturally took on the role of the farmer, as you do in an old barn, with Lachie being the horse who had to be fed hay "all day looong." He didn't seem to mind the many handfuls of hay placed loving on his lap, though he did prefer to eat rocks.
Riding back up the slight incline proved to be a bit of a challenge but the slower pace was perfect for treasure hunting with her spotting one of the last 'spider fluffs' and two of the last dandilions, one for her and one for me. Our neighbours across the road have a horse, "my horse" according to Chloe. Fresh green grass was carefully picked and offered with no interest received. "Maybe tomorrow," she said in a-matter-a-fact way. Maybe.

On the way back mixed in with her constant toddler rambling that I love (most of the time) was the comment that it was a "very long way home". I wonder, in her world were everything is bigger and an exciting adventure, just how far our little trip seemed, how grand will the old barn be when it is recalled and how will this simple adventure be remembered. I love the simplicity and yet at the same time the complexity of her world and I am so grateful that everyday she invites me to partake in the many big adventures that are often had not far from home.