Friday, November 13, 2009

New address

Some of you may have noticed that my blog is not updating on blog rolls. I am not sure why it is happening and I have no idea how to fix it (I know it is most likely something simply but I am stumped and it was easier to move addresses then spend a whole heap of time figuring it out). I had been meaning to change my blog address to something not so personal for a while now and so this was the little push that I needed.
So you will now find me at
See you over there soon!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Season is open.

Cray-fishing season that is. Eden alone with Levi, Jarom and Brett all headed off to Eddystone point to welcome in the new season. Apparently so did alot of other anxious recreational fishermen. I think they got twelve between them, with both Eden and Levi getting their bag limit.

Eden said that he wished he had a chef to cook his seafood when he brought it home. I thought, 'Thanks, my cooking is obviously not good enough.'
I thought I would try something different so I made a paella with fresh crayfish and abalone vaguely following these instructions..

Eden said that he takes back the wishing for a chef comment and it was one of his favorite ways to have crayfish.

I think this little man liked it too.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Blogging catch up- Photos with cousins (my favorites)

While I was visiting family we thought it would be a good idea to get some photos of the cousins. Me being the dag that I am made matching skirts and shorts for the little ones. But they did look so cute running around all matching (I know, big dag).
We had a couple of cameras set up with different lenses on each to save the hassle of changing. Scarlett has already posted alot of photos but I thought I would share some my favorites.

Isn't matching cute. Do you think Eden would mind if our little family dressed matching?

My Little Man decided to make poo pies, much like your traditional mud pies just made with fresh sticky (and still warm) swan poo.

The crew.

Malachi getting some lunch.


Our very pretty girls

The crew hard at work doing some heavy lifting.

No wonder they have three kids in three years
(I love the kids faces)

Cousin love
(Look how she is gently holding his little hand)

My Angel Baby
