Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Munchy goo

I have wanted to do a story time experience for the kids based around the book Wombat Stew by Marcia Vaughan but the kids beat me to it and decided to do storytime on their own. Wombat stew is a favorite in our home (as I am sure it is in many others) with Chloe requesting that we read it with her often. Yesterday when Eden took the kids outside for a play Chloe and Lachie decided that they wanted to make some of their own Wombat stew, Wombat stew, Gooey, brewy, Yummy, chewy, Wombat stew!
Chloe had filled a bucket up with mud which she announced was her bubbling billy of Munchy Goo. Together she and Lachie had a wonderful time putting more mud in, taking it out and then putting it back in again.
I have been a bit slow to introduce Lachie to the gumboot as I wasn't sure how he would go with stiff big boy shoes but he had no problems walking in them at all. He loved them and was quite pleased with the stomp, stomp, stomp noise he could make as he walked. However I think the fact that we let him splash through the puddles to his hearts content was what he loved best. I think he may have even liked that more then the munchy goo.
So while the Wombat Stew Storytime did not contain the activity that I had been planning and happened in the reverse order (we read the book, again, after a warm bath) I think it turned out better as it was child initiated and directed.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Real live trains

On Saturday we took the kids to the Don River Railway to have a ride on a train (there are no passenger trains down here in Tassie). We had a little wander around the yard to look at the trains however I think the kids were more interested in rocks but at least they humored us for a photo.
After catching the train to uni a couple of times a week I never thought I would pay to ride on a train just for the sake of a train ride....the things we do for our little ones.
While we were waiting for the train to leave I taught Chloe the finer art of drawing in the fog on public transport windows.
Lachie wasn't too phased by the fact that we were riding on a real live train and I think was frustrated by the fact that he couldn't walk around. Chloe didn't mind the trip but I think she would have liked it better if we went somewhere (I think we might have to take a real train ride when we go to Sydney this week).
Even if the kids didn't go crazy for the trains at least it was good to get out of the house and spend some time together as a family.

Friday, September 4, 2009

The Miss Piggy Award goes to.....

....(long pause for effect).....
When I was growing up we had a Miss Piggy Award. Each night the messiest eater was awarded the title for the next twenty four hours. I can't remember if this is something we kids came up with on our own or whether it was parent initiated. I also can't remember how long we did it for. I vaguely remember handmade certificates being stuck up on the awards wall (with the real ones).
Tonight Chloe got this Miss Piggy Award in our house. I think she was just trying to put the age old saying, 'Waste not want not' into practice.
I would love to say that I never received the prestigious Miss Piggy Award growing up.
But that would be a lie.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

little letters of LOVE

A few weeks ago I went to bed early with Chole snuggled up beside me (I was too tired to keep putting her back in her own bed). I thought about how lucky I am to be the mother of my two wonderful children and how much I love them. The L word is used alot in this house and I must tell both my little poppets (and my big one) that I love them at least 100 times a day if not more. I thought about a post I had read earlier about a mother and her love and special relationship with her baby. I began to think if something ever happened to me would my babies remember me, our special moments and how much I love them. That night I decided that I would write them little letters of love.
The next day I wrote down a handful of moments that I cherish, things that they are doing, that we do together or things about them,all of which I love and that are special to us. That afternoon I took some photos of us together (nothing fancy or staged, messy hair and faces...a true reflection of us) and printed them off to put with their letters.
I hope that I will be able to give these letters to my babies somewhere down the track when they are eighteen or something like that but if they get them earlier at least they will always know how much I love them and cherish my role as their mother. I will continue to add little letters of love as they change and our loved develops so that they will have a whole collection.
Eden found them in the draw a few days ago and asked if he had one. I guess I better get back to writing.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Our first day of Spring

Today we thought we would welcome Spring with open arms by playing outside. After being stuck inside for the last couple of weeks the kids loved the space, fresh air and dirt and I welcomed the warmth in the sun, the lack of rain and stillness (well still for Tassie). Hopefully Spring took note of our friendliness and decides to stay (though I think last time I talked about lovely weather I jinxed it and we got what I have been told is unseasonal amounts of rain and wind...sorry).
The kids both loved being outside so much that the cracked it big time when we came in. Hopefully when they are teenagers they will be just as keen to go outside and play.